EasyRates Blog

National Day Rally 2016 – A Quick Summary


Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong stepped onto the podium at ITE College Central to deliver the 2016 National Day Rally.

Before we get to what he said, we would first like to say Kudos to PM Lee, who suddenly felt unwell during the speech and had to stop halfway.
He later recovered in great form and went back on stage to continue delivering his speech.


How Do We Progress Together?


Help Build Capabilities in our Economy


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Singapore’s Ties With Malaysia and Indonesia




Racial Harmony

“Imagine if only the Chinese wished each other at Chinese New Year, only Muslims could say Selamat Hari Raya to one another, only Hindus exchanged Deepavali greetings, and only Christians said Merry Christmas?…. It would be a very different, and a very troubled Singapore”


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” People must feel that this is theirs. Then the system can work.”


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3 Wishes for Singapore

Someone once asked PM Lee “If God appeared before you and asked you for three things that you would want for Singapore, what would these be?”

He responded as such

“If I ask for material things we will regret it… What I would like to have, is to be blessed with a divine discontent, to be always not quite satisfied with what we have, always driven to do better. Have the wisdom to count our blessings, know how to enjoy and protect it. “

Mr Lee said that if these two wishes were fulfilled, it would be enough for Singaporeans to “keep building something special in Singapore for many more years”.

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